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Statement from Hague Appeal for Peace conference Wed, 26 May 1999 The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom renews its call for an immediate halt of all bombardments of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and neighboring countries. NATO's war against Yugoslavia is a flagrant violation of international law and the United Nations Charter. The numerous proposals for ending the bombardments and killings have to be taken seriously and negotiations in good faith. For a peaceful settlement, action must begin right away, with meaningful involvement of women and the civil society. The bombings have now developed into an open war targeted directly or indirectly at civilian centers in the whole of the Yugoslavia territory. They have also led to an increase in involuntary exodus of people from Kosovo, whose houses and community infrastructure have been destroyed. WILPF also calls for an immediate halt to the brutalization, rapes, murder and forced disappearances by Serb authorities against the people of Kosovo. Impunity must not be tolerated for those responsible. The international community has to be firm in preventing and halting the atrocities occurring in this area, as well as in all war areas such as the Sudan, Sierra Leone, Iraq, Turkey, East Timor, Afghanistan and Colombia. As has been demonstrated again in this war, violence only begets violence. It is the absolute duty of good governance to fully use non-violent methods and practices that have been and continue to be effectively used by NGO's, international, religious and civil institutions. We expect this from our leadership. WILPF members and sections all over the world have been linked to the massive protest against these horrific actions and will continue to press for an end to the violence and for reconciliation and reconstruction. These processes must start immediately. Please join our actions by contacting the WILPF section in your area. A full list is available on our web page or from the International Office in Geneva, Fax: 0041-22-7401063.
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom International Secretariat
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