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Friday 9 August: Support Ngai Tamanuhiri as kaitiaki of Te Kuri (Young Nicks Head)
Come to parliament on Friday 9 August! On Friday 9 August, Michael Cullen will announce his decision about the sale of Te Kuri (Young Nick’s Head) to a New York financier. Friday 9 August is also World Indigenous Peoples Day ... Come to parliament on Friday 9 August to add your voice to those who are saying "Stop the sale of Te Kuri (Young Nick’s Head) into foreign ownership." * come along at 8-30am * * come along at 12-30pm * Bring your family and friends, and any banners which support the kaupapa - Te Kuri is a national treasure for all New Zealanders; support Ngai Tamanuhiri as kaitiaki; no sale to foreign owners. Other things you can do to help
- that Te Kuri (Young Nick’s Head) is a national treasure for all New Zealanders and you are opposed to any sale to foreign owners; - that the government must act now to stop the sale; - that the government must negotiate with Ngai Tamanuhiri to find a way forward which is acceptable to Ngai Tamanuhiri as kaitiaki, and to prevent foreign ownership. Contact details: Michael Cullen's office - email fax (04) 495 8442, tel (04) 470 6551; Helen Clark's office - email, fax (04) 473 3579, tel (04) 471 9998.
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