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Resolutions of the West Auckland branches of the
October 2001
At the October meeting of the West Auckland Alliance there was a
debate on
the Alliance's position on the parliamentary motion of 3rd October
the "House declared its support for the offer of SAS troops and
assistance as part of the response of the United States and the
coalition to the terrorist attacks that were carried out on 11
2001.....and totally supports the approach taken by the USA and
further declares its
support for UN Security Resolutions 1368 and 1373."
The meeting gave unanimous support to the following
1) That the West Auckland branches of the Alliance oppose the
support of
the NZ Government for the United States' actions against
2) That the West Auckland branches of the Alliance insist that
MPs withdraw their support for the resolution passed on October 3
2001 in
3) That the West Auckland branches of the Alliance hold that
cannot be eliminated unless the underlying causes of it are
eliminated. As
yet we see no real commitment by the US and the UK to address
causes. We therefore cannot support the resolution passed by
Parliament on October
3 2001. Furthermore NZ forces should not become involved without
parliamentary approval after the explicit sanction of the UN General
Assembly and
Security Council.
4) That the West Auckland Alliance branches support the
Auckland Anti-War
Coalition and urge members to attend its activities and support its
demands so long as they remain compatible with Alliance Policy,
and urge
Auckland Regional Alliance Committee to do likewise.
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