Not in Our Name
A - E | F - K | L - R | S - Z About Not in Our Name
The Not in Our Name Pledge of Resistance was created collectively by artists and activists, in the United States of America in April 2002, as a means of inspiring protest and resistance. Its primary purpose is as a tool to be used by individuals, organisations and communities to stimulate discussion, and to inspire and strengthen resistance to the ‘war on terrorism’ - the "war without end". The original Not in Our Name Project collects signatures to the Pledge from groups and organisations, not individuals. However, because of the number of requests we have had from individuals wishing to sign a statement of this kind, Not in Our Name (Aotearoa/New Zealand) is now available for signing by individuals as well as by groups and organisations. There are forms for each below. The Not in Our Name Pledge of Resistance was adapted for use in Aotearoa/New Zealand by Peace Movement Aotearoa, with permission. In 2005, a new US Not in Our Name 'Statement of Conscience Against War and Repression' opposing the domestic and international agenda of the Bush government was launched. A print out flyer of the US statement is available online here. What you can do with the Not in Our Name Pledge print a copy of the Not in Our Name Pledge (for individuals) for yourself to sign and return; copy the Pledge and pass it on to others to consider - hand it out at stalls, on marches and rallies, and at other peace events; put copies in your local library, community centre, doctor or dentist’s waiting room - let us know where you’ve negotiated agreement to place it, and we’ll pass your suggestions on to inspire others; discuss the Not in Our Name Pledge (for groups) with all groups or organisations which you are part of and ask them to endorse it - your union, local school or play group, students association, church or other religious group, youth group, women’s group, sports club, music group, professional association, refugee or migrant group, peace and justice group ... the possibilities are endless; ask your local community newspaper to print the first seven lines of the Pledge with a link to this web page; ask any group or organisation which you are part of to include a copy of the Not in Our Name Pledge (for individuals), or the first seven lines of the Pledge with a link to this web page, in their next mailing to members. What we will do with the Not in Our Name Pledges the name, occupation and town or city of individual signatories are listed on these pages in alphabetical order by last name: A - E | F - K | L - R | S - Z. The list of endorsing groups and organisations are listed here. If you do not want your details put on the web page, there is a tick box for you to state that on the Pledge for individuals; the original of each form, minus the explanatory notes, will be presented to Prime Minister Helen Clark; a list of each individual signatory’s name, occupation and town or city, and of endorsing groups and organisations, will be presented to the US Ambassador to New Zealand, Charles Swindells. Not in Our Name Pledge Forms Not in Our Name Coordination Not in Our Name (Aotearoa / New Zealand) is coordinated by Peace Movement Aotearoa the national networking peace group. If you wish to find out more about Peace Movement Aotearoa, join, or go on our mailing lists, more information is available here.Links to Not in Our Name Overseas Australia (scan down the page to reach The Pledge of Resistance) Making your own declaration If you would like to make your own declaration instead of using the Not in Our Name Pledge of Resistance, advice on doing so is available here.