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A submission on 'Government Proposals for Consultation: The Foreshore and Seabed of New Zealand' from Kathryn McKenzie.

To Whom it May Concern

Could you please ensure the following Foreshore and Seabed submission is forwarded to Prime Minister Helen Clark, and Cabinet Ministers Michael Cullen and Parekura Horomia.

Foreshore and Seabed submission

I present this submission as an individual to ensure government realises there are a significant number of Pakeha New Zealanders that oppose their proposed legislation on the foreshore and seabed.

If government proceeds to pass this legislation it will be one further breach of the Treaty of Waitangi to add to the already existing long list. In fact this is the government's last opportunity to make a major treaty breach through legislation, and I do not wish to see this happen with my support, as a person who voted for Labour (both party and candidate) in the last election.

I oppose this legislation on the following grounds -

  • Not only is this yet another breach of the Treaty of Waitangi, it also contravenes the Appeal Court ruling of 19 June 2003 on this matter pertaining specifically to Marlborough (and therefore, by extension to any other case), in which all five judges agree there was NO LEGITIMATE ALIENATION OF CUSTOMARY RIGHTS TO FORESHORE AND SEABED.
  • Maori customery rights over the foreshore and seabed pre-date the Treaty of Waitangi, thus by proposing legislation that states that Maori are not able to own the foreshore and seabed it is contravening International law as well as the Treaty of Waitangi.
  • I am a Pakeha Treaty Worker and conduct Treaty of Waitangi workshops for Network Waitangi Whangarei. I find that participants on this workshop gain a new understanding of the Treaty on this workshop and past breaches of this treaty. On our last workshop, participants raised the issue of the the foreshore and seabed ownership, and could readily see that proposed legislation would be yet another breach.

    Therefore I would like to propose the following -

  • That legislation is not enacted until full discussion can take place, and as part of this government ensures an education programme is made available to all New Zealanders. This education should go beyond the discussion forums to be offered through the new Treaty Information Unit, by face to face dialogue and education lead by those who are informed and experienced in this work.
  • That the government engages in full discussion that follow the principles of engagement, as set out by Te Ope Mana a Tai and found on the website for Te Oku Kai Moana.
  • Kathryn McKenzie
    3 October 2003

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