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Support the foreshore and seabed hikoi
Wellington, 5 May

This page has information about joining the hikoi in Wellington and how to get to Te Papa. Information about associated events on the day, meeting places, and feeder marches into the hikoi are being added to this page as the details are confirmed. Information about other ways you can support the hikoi in Wellington is available here.

Joining the hikoi

UPDATE, 7-30pm, 4 May: the assembly point for the hikoi in Wellington at 9am tomorrow morning has changed from Chaffers Park to Te Papa due to the projected increase in numbers assembling. These new arrangements have just been confirmed.

If you were planning on dropping off food to help with the kai boxes tomorrow morning, please go to Te Papa and look for the kai or information tables which will be located somewhere near the main door on the forecourt. There will be people there from 6-30am - if you can, please drop off any food donations well before 9am.

Parking around Te Papa will be restricted to kaumatua vehicles - please be aware that if you bring a vehicle you will have to make your own parking arrangements, and may need to park some distance away.

The hikoi will arrive at Te Papa around 9am on 5 May. Soup and bread will be provided by Kokiri Marae for the people who have travelled to reach Wellington that morning, then the hikoi will set off from Te Papa to parliament at 10am.

Panui ki te iwi: Are you coming to Wellington for the Foreshore Hikoi on May 5th? - information re parking, kaumatua vehicles, facilities at Chaffers Park, and hikoi arrangements.

You can join the hikoi at Te Papa, along the route - Cable Street, Taranaki Street, Courtenay Place, Dixon Street, right into Victoria Street, left into Manners Street, right into Willis Street, Lambton Quay, Parliament - or in parliament grounds. If you get to parliament before the hikoi arrives, please wait outside and then walk onto parliament grounds with the hikoi. It is anticipated that everyone who has travelled with the hikoi will be assembled at parliament at 12 noon - if you can't join the hikoi earlier in the day, you are welcome to come along at any time during the afternoon.

At parliament there will be a range of events including the presentation of sand from all Ngati Kahungunu marae, followed by speakers, and entertainment.

  • Bring banners and placards
  • Please bring your organisation or group banner with you, and other banners and placards which promote and support the kaupapa of the hikoi.

    Some ideas for wording are: Honour the Treaty; No raupatu in our time; No Treaty breaches on the beaches; No human rights breaches on the beaches; Raupatu is SO nineteenth century; Foreshore legislation - unfair, unjust and unnecessary; Pakeha say NO to the confiscation legislation; Foreshore legislation = outright theft; Negotiation not expropriation ...

    [You could use the word 'confiscation' instead of 'raupatu' if you wish; and non-Maori, or Tauiwi,
    instead of (or together with) Pakeha - whatever wording you prefer to make it clear that opposition
    to the legislation is not only coming from Maori.]

    How to get to Te Papa

    From the motorway: take the first exit as you approach the city, exit sign = Aotea Quay, Waterfront; it is the exit above the interisland ferry terminal. Go along Aotea Quay, Waterloo Quay, Customhouse Quay, Jervois Quay and Cable Street. Te Papa is on Cable Street on the left side. Although the road names change, you just basically stay on the same road all around the waterfront.

    Online map of Wellington showing the route from Waterloo Quay.

    From the interisland ferry terminal - follow the route as above.

    From the railway station - the route is the same as above, except starting from Customhouse Quay.

    Associated events, meeting places, and feeder marches

  • Wednesday 5 May - hikoi from Newtown to Te Papa. Meet at 7.30am at Newtown Park (corner Roy and Machester Streets, by Wellington Zoo), then hikoi to the assembley point at Chaffers Park; for more information contact Bruce Stewart, Tapu Te Ranga Marae, tel (04) 970 6235 or Graham Cameron tel 027 484 2845.
  • Wednesday 5 May - hikoi from Te Herenga Waka to join the hikoi. Leaving Te Herenga Waka (VUW, Kelburn Parade) at 10am then joining the hikoi on Dixon Street; for more information contact tel 021 115 4896.
  • Wednesday 5 May - morning gathering for prayer and reflection, Wesley Church. All are welcome to gather at 9.30am at the Wesley Church, 75 Taranaki Street, for prayer and reflection before joining the hikoi as it passes on the way to parliament; for more information please contact Matthew tel (04) 384 7695.
  • Wednesday 5 May - morning gathering for prayer and reflection, St Mary of the Angels. Wellington Christian Peacemakers will be gathering at 9.30am on Wednesday 5 May at St Mary of the Angels Church, Boulcott Street, Wellington, for prayer and reflection before joining the hikoi as it passes on the way to parliament; for more information please contact John tel 025 220 7903 or Peter tel (04) 386 4043.
  • Wednesday 5 May - morning gathering for prayer and reflection, St Andrew's on The Terrace. All are welcome to gather at 9.30am at St Andrew's on The Terrace, 30 The Terrace, for prayer and reflection. People can then join the hikoi as it passes through Lambton Quay or wait for the marchers to arrive outside parliament; for more information please contact Rev Dr Margaret Mayman tel (04) 472 9211. St Andrew's will be open all day until 5 pm for anyone wanting a quiet place to rest (and there will be a free lunchtime harpsichord concert from 12.15pm to 1pm.
  • Wednesday 5 May - overnight ecumenical prayer vigil. In support of the foreshore and seabed hikoi, Urban Vision Social Action Group invites nga hunga whanui to an overnight ecumenical prayer vigil. This will be held at the Cenotaph focusing on overcoming injustice and restoring the Treaty partnership.
  • The prayer vigil starts at 5pm at the Cenotaph, Parliament Buildings, and will go through to 5.30am on Thursday 6 May. This will be followed by contributing to the preparation of kai for the manuhiri at Pipitea Marae from 5.30am.

    Bring warm clothing, pillows, sleeping bags, blankets, umbrellas, musical instruments, songs, dirges, laments, candles, reflective verse, poems, inspiring prose, kai, and an open mind and heart. For more information please contact Graham Cameron, email, tel (04) 385 7445 or 027 484 2845.

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