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Supporting the hikoi in Wellington

Support the hikoi in Wellington   print off leaflet   print off mini-advert

  • Join the hikoi in Wellington
  • The hikoi will arrive at Chaffers Park around 9am on 5 May. Soup and bread will be provided by Kokiri Marae for the people who have travelled to reach Wellington that morning, then the hikoi will set off from Chaffers Park to parliament at 10am.

    Information about the route, how to get to Chaffers Park, parking, kaumatua vehicles, facilities at Chaffers Park, hikoi arrangements, gathering points and feeder marches, is now available on the Wellington page.

  • Accommodation is needed
  • Update (1 May): Help is needed with accommodation for people on the nights of Tuesday 4 May and Wednesday 5 May - if you are able to billet people, or know of a church or school hall which can be used for this, please email or tel 025 321 123 as soon as possible. It is preferred that you email rather than telephone if possible - please include the number of people you can billet, and your contact details in your message.

  • Food is needed
  • Update (1 May): Food is needed to make up food boxes for people who will be sleeping in halls and other back-up accommodation while in Wellington - please drop off non-perishable food items to the Girlies Project, 158 Cuba Street (between Vivian Street and Garrick Street) on Sunday, 2 May, between 12 noon and 5pm. Boxes, cartons, and shopping bags to pack food in are also needed. Perishable (and non-perishable) food items can be dropped off at the Information tent at Chaffers Park on Wednesday, 5 May, as early as possible in the day, and definitely before 9am. Be assured that all food donated will be put to good use - there are a lot of people coming to Wellington on 5 May.

  • Wheelchairs are needed
  • Update (1 May): Wheelchairs are needed for kaumatua for the hikoi from Newtown (7-30am at Newtown Park, corner Roy and Manchester Streets, by Wellington Zoo, on Wednesday 5 May) to the assembly point at Chaffers Park - if you are able to loan a wheelchair, or know where one or more can be borrowed from, please contact Graham Cameron tel 027 484 2845 or Bruce Stewart (04) 970 6235 as soon as possible.

  • Join the marshals team
  • Update (1 May): fluorescent jackets are needed for the marshals - if you have any which can be used on the morning of Wednesday 5 May, please bring them to the Information tent at Chaffers Park at 9am.

    We are putting together a team of marshals who will assist with marshalling through Wellington as directed by the hikoi organisers. If you have experience of marshalling, and can help with this, please email.

  • Join the kai team
  • Update (1 May): we now have sufficient people for the kai team, thank you.

    We are putting together a kai team to help with breakfast at Pipitea Marae on Thursday 6 May from 5-30am to 7-30am. If you can help with this, please email.

  • Other practical help
  • There may be a call for other practical help closer to the time, such as taking bread and other food to Chaffers Park - if you or your group can give practical assistance at short notice, please email or tel (04) 382 8129 with details of the help you can give.

  • Sign the Pakeha / Tauiwi Statement
  • Sign on to the Pakeha / Tauiwi statement on the foreshore and seabed legislation - it is available here; together with information about how you can sign, and how you can circulate it for others to sign. The statement will be posted to all Labour, Progressive Coalition, and NZ First Members of Parliament to arrive on the day the hikoi begins.

  • Make your own statement or media release
  • Organise any group or organisation you are part of - union, youth, church, university, peace, social justice, professional, community - to put out a statement or media release opposing the legislation, and supporting the hikoi. If you would like more information or other assistance to do that, please contact us on email or tel (04) 382 8129.

    Write a Letter to the Editor of the Dominion Post, and the local Wellington and Hutt Valley papers, and encourage other supportive people to do the same. Please send a copy of any statement or media release from your organisation, and of any letter you write (whether published or not) to email we will add it to the Support the hikoi media releases page and to the media releases section of the Foreshore and seabed information page.

  • Financial support
  • If you are able to make a donation to help with the costs of the hikoi, that would be much appreciated. All funds for the hikoi will be given to the organisers on the day the hikoi arrives in Wellington, or earlier if required. Please send your cheque (made payable to ‘PMA Special Projects’) to Peace Movement Aotearoa (PMA), PO Box 9314, Wellington together with a note stating it is for the hikoi, and with your name and address. A receipt will be sent for all donations.

    Where you can get more information

    For more information about the Ngati Kahungunu hikoi, see:

  • Letter of Invitation from Ngati Kahungunu Chairman Ngahiwi Tomoana; and Time line of events 1993-2004;

  • For analysis of the foreshore and seabed legislation by Moana Jackson see:

  • The Crown Baselines for Legislation on the Foreshore and Seabed - An Analysis, 1 April 2004; Decoupling the Treaty and the Iwi: Summary Analysis of the Government's Final Foreshore and Seabed Legislative Framework as Released on 7 April 2004’, 8 April 2004; and An Analysis of the Foreshore and Seabed Bill, 15 April 2004

  • For updates on the hikoi see:

  • the pages listed below, and

  • For more information about Pakeha / Tauiwi support for the hikoi, see:

  • Supporting the hikoi wherever you are - updated web page   print off leaflet with general information
  • Supporting the hikoi along the way
  • Supporting the hikoi in Wellington - web page   print off leaflet   print off mini-advert
  • Support the hikoi - related meetings, events and solidarity actions
  • Sign on to the Pakeha / Tauiwi statement - web page   print off A4 page   print off leaflet with background information
  • Support the hikoi media releases
  • Support the hikoi contacts
  • Support the hikoi main page

    For more information about the government's foreshore and seabed proposals and legislation, see the Foreshore and seabed information page.

    For information about the 1975 hikoi, see: Maori Land March

  • Foreshore and seabed information   |   Peace Movement Aotearoa