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East Timor - addresses 7 September 1999 Kia ora, in response to the messages re contact details for telling various people what you think about the situation in East Timor, here is a selection which we hope will help ... Our advice is to send faxes instead of email messages - partly because email addresses such as those below only seem to work intermittently and also because we are not sure the messages are ever read or even logged by their intended recipient, usually there is only an automated response. Re alerts and updates, we will continue to circulate those arriving from the groups working on East Timor; in the meantime, so far as the NZ government is concerned, Don McKinnon has still not even called in the Indonesian ambassador ... * Jenny Shipley, Prime Minister of New Zealand, Fax : + 64 4 473 7045. * Don McKinnon, Parliament Buildings, Wellington (no stamp needed); fax (04) 471 1444;
* US embassy - Josiah Beeman - PO Box 1190, Wellington; tel (04) 472 2068; fax 04 471 2380 or 472 9804, or * US Consulate General - Michael Thurston (Consul) - Private Bag 92022, Auckland, tel (09) 303 2724, fax (09) 366 0870. * President Bill Clinton - fax - 00-1-202-456-2461, * US APEC Office in Auckland - tel (09) 307 9371, fax (09) 307 9372 - not sure if this is pre- or post- chicken factory list ... * British High Commissioner, Mr Martin Williams - British High Commission, PO Box 1812, Wellington; fax : (04) 495 0809. * Australian High Commission - PO Box 4036, Thorndon, Wellington, tel (04) 473 6411, * Alexander Downer MHR, Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, 00-61-2-6273-3752 * John Howard MP, Prime Minister of Australia, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600, Australia, fax: 00-61- 2-6273 4100; tel 00-61-2-6277-7700.
* Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary-General, New York, NY 10017, USA fax: +1 212 963 2155/ 963 7055, tel: +1 212 963 5012;
* INDONESIAN EMBASSY - 70 Glen Road, Kelburn, Wellington. Tel (04) 475 8699, fax (04) 475 9374;
* PRESIDENT YUSUF HABIBIE, President of the Republic of Indonesia, Istana Negara, Gedung Binagraha, Jl. Veteran, Jakarta Pusat, INDONESIA. Fax: 00-62-21-345-7782; Telegram: President Habibie, Jakarta, Indonesia
> >Jl. Medan Taman Pejambon No. 6, Jakarta, INDONESIA. Faxes: +62 21 360 541 / 360 517 / 380 5511 / 345 7782 / 724 5354
* INDONESIAN MINISTER FOR DEFENCE FORCES, General Wiranto, Menteri Pertahanan Keamanan RI, Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No 13-14, Jakarta 10110, INDONESIA. Telephone: +62 21 366 184 Fax: +62 21 3845 178
* RESORT MILITARY COMMAND (KOREM), Colonel Mohamed Noer Muis, Markas KOREM 164/Wiradharma, Dili, EAST TIMOR. Faxes: +62 390 21 624, Telegram: Colonel Muis, East Timor (Indonesia).
* IMF -
Mr. Michel Camdessus,
Managing Director,
International Monetary Fund,
700 19th Street NW -
Washington DC - USA,
fax: (202) 623-4661,
* IMF - Mr. Hubert Neiss,
Director, Asia and Pacific Department,
700 19th Street NW - ,
Washington DC - USA,
fax: (202) 623-4661,
e-mail: hneiss@imf.og