NZ disarmament campaigns and peace projects

Aotearoa New Zealand Stop Killer Robots campaign

The Aotearoa New Zealand Stop Killer Robots campaign (SKRANZ) is working for new international law to prohibit autonomy in weapon systems that are designed or used to target human beings, which pose a significant threat to the future of humanity. Autonomous weapon systems use sensors, algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) to independently select targets and attack, without any human intervention beyond the initial activation. These systems - and precursor military systems that use AI to generate and select human targets - operate without any meaningful level of human control, which is necessary to ensure accountability for the use of force.

SKRANZ was established in 2013 as one of the first national campaigns of the global Campaign to Stop Killer Robots (now known as Stop Killer Robots), and is coordinated by Peace Movement Aotearoa.

This page has details of how you can get involved, as well as links to the #KillerRobotsNZ petition, updates, resources, and to the global campaign.

We urge New Zealand to:

  Take national action to prohibit the development, production and use of autonomous weapon systems in New Zealand; and
  Take international action to support negotiations on a new treaty to prohibit autonomy in weapon systems that are designed or used to target human beings.

  • How you can get involved in the campaign

  • Resources for taking action
    • Letter writing: If you are writing to MPs about this issue, please send the Aotearoa New Zealand Campaign a copy of your letter and any replies you receive, thank you
    • Youth Call for Action: Add your name here Share on Facebook Re-Tweet

  • Updates, reports and events
  • Supporting organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • International Campaign to Stop Killer Robots website

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