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We have arranged free website space, free ftp login to the webserver, free email accounts and a free email-listserver hosted by Plain Communications Ltd.

PlaNet NZ subsidised Converge and allowed us to offer website development work to NGOs free of charge.  However, due to funding constraints we are unable to continue to provide free web development. 

Community Groups and NGOs their own free (up to 2 megabytes of storage) web directory and ftp login;
website development advice;
web promotion advice:
free email addresses to participating NGOs;
free email listserver;
free Internet advice, assistance and support;
training services.
Converge is developing a range of initiatives:
the New Zealand NGO Directory;
the Pacific Development Directory;
an on-line collaboration toolkit;
a private discussion group server;
NGO web development terminals;
an on-line diary and billboard system for NGOs.


If you represent an organisation that wishes to participate in Converge then you can apply on-line to join Converge.
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