/* ABC News common scripts Created by: Andrew Kesper, October 2006 Modified by: Andrew Kesper, April 2008 */ news = true; // News livery if (!getQueryStringVariable('site').match(/^(news)?$/)) news = false; // one-story-many-views /************* NEW FUNCTIONS ***************/ // Add new string functions String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); }; String.prototype.toTitleCase = function() { var ls = this.toLowerCase(); var la = ls.split(' '); for (var i=0; i 0) return output; // If no elements were found, try this alternative method instead... // Works in Firefox 2, Safari, Opera: output = new Array(); var temp = xmlelement.getElementsByTagName(localname); for (var i=0; i elements; abort var itemsIndex; if (guid != null) { // guid specified; use with matching for (var i=0; i var url = ''; var content = getElementsByTagNameScope(items[itemsIndex], 'media', 'content'); var format = preferenceGet('video'); var connection = preferenceGet('connection'); if (connection == 'lo') var bestbitrate = 999999999; else var bestbitrate = 0; for (var j=0; j bestbitrate)) { bestbitrate = content[j].getAttribute('bitrate'); url = content[j].getAttribute('url'); } } } var link = items[itemsIndex].getElementsByTagName('link'); if (link.length > 0) if (typeof insertafter.href != 'undefined') if (insertafter.href.indexOf('.htm') != -1) if (link[0].firstChild.nodeValue != insertafter.href) var transcript = link[0].firstChild.nodeValue; if (url != '') { if (format == 'inpage') showVideo_play(url, insertafter, width, autoplay, transcript); else location = url; } else { // preferred format not available if (typeof insertafter.href != 'undefined') location = insertafter.href; } } else location = insertafter.href; // Media RSS file not available } } function showVideo_play (url, insertafter, width, autoplay, transcript) { classAdd(insertafter, 'active'); if (width.indexOf('%') != -1) var height = Math.round((parseInt(width, 10)/100)*insertafter.parentNode.scrollWidth/16*9); // width is a percentage else var height = Math.round(parseInt(width, 10)/16*9); // assume width is in pixels var div = document.createElement('DIV'); div.id = inpageplayer; div.className = 'videoplayer'; insertafter.parentNode.insertBefore(div, insertafter.nextSibling); window.onresize = function () { resize16x9(inpageplayer+'Object'); }; swfurl = 'http://www.abc.net.au/news/swf/flvplayer.swf'; var so = new SWFObject(swfurl, inpageplayer+'Object', width, height, '8', '#000000', true); so.addParam('allowFullScreen', 'true'); so.addVariable('mediaURL', url); so.addVariable('autoPlay', autoplay); so.write(inpageplayer); resize16x9(inpageplayer+'Object'); if (transcript) { if (!transcript.match(/news(_dev)?\/(audio|video)\//)) { var p = document.createElement('P'); p.innerHTML = 'View Transcript'; div.insertBefore(p, null); } } } function showAudio (mediaUrl, insertafter, width, autoplay, guid) { if (!mediaUrl) return true; if (!insertafter) return true; if (typeof insertafter == 'string') insertafter = document.getElementById(insertafter); if (!width) var width = '100%'; if (!autoplay) var autoplay = 'true'; if (!guid) var guid = null; if (temp = document.getElementById(inpageplayer)) { if (temp.previousSibling != null) classRemove(temp.previousSibling, 'active'); temp.parentNode.removeChild(temp); delete temp; } if (typeof nowPlaying != 'undefined' && nowPlaying == mediaUrl+'?'+guid) { // was already playing this item - don't want to play it again delete nowPlaying; } else { nowPlaying = mediaUrl+'?'+guid; if (mediaUrl.indexOf('.mp3') != -1) { // already know the MP3 file showAudio_play(mediaUrl, insertafter, width, autoplay); } else if (mediaUrl.indexOf('.xml') != -1 || mediaUrl.indexOf('.rss') != -1) { // need to read Media RSS file to determine MP3 file mediaUrl += (mediaUrl.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' : '&') + Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/(1000*60*2)); var ajaxobj = new XMLHttpRequest(); ajaxobj.onreadystatechange = function() {showAudio_ajax(ajaxobj, insertafter, width, autoplay, guid);}; ajaxobj.open('GET', mediaUrl, true); ajaxobj.send(''); } else { // assume we are directly linking to another type of media file (e.g. asx, ram) delete nowPlaying; location = mediaUrl; } } if (insertafter.blur) insertafter.blur(); // removes dotted outline from link in Mozilla browsers return false; } function showAudio_ajax (ajaxobj, insertafter, width, autoplay, guid) { if (ajaxobj.readyState == 4) { // only if "loaded" if (ajaxobj.status == 200 || ajaxobj.status == 304) { // only if "OK" var mediarss = ajaxobj.responseXML; // this is a document node var items = mediarss.getElementsByTagName('item'); if (items.length < 1) return true; // No elements; abort var itemsIndex; if (guid != null) { // guid specified; use with matching for (var i=0; i var url = ''; var content = getElementsByTagNameScope(items[itemsIndex], 'media', 'content'); var format = preferenceGet('audio'); for (var j=0; j 0) if (typeof insertafter.href != 'undefined') if (insertafter.href.indexOf('.htm') != -1) if (link[0].firstChild.nodeValue != insertafter.href) var transcript = link[0].firstChild.nodeValue; if (url != '') { if (format == 'inpage') showAudio_play(url, insertafter, width, autoplay, transcript); else location = url; } else { // preferred format not available if (typeof insertafter.href != 'undefined') location = insertafter.href; } } else location = insertafter.href; // Media RSS file not available } } function showAudio_play (url, insertafter, width, autoplay, transcript) { classAdd(insertafter, 'active'); if (width.indexOf('%') != -1) width = Math.round((parseInt(width, 10)/100)*insertafter.parentNode.scrollWidth); // Standard size of audio player is 285x40 pixels. Should be no bigger than this if (width > 285) width = 285; var height = Math.round(width/285*40); var div = document.createElement('DIV'); div.id = inpageplayer; div.className = 'audioplayer'; insertafter.parentNode.insertBefore(div, insertafter.nextSibling); window.onresize = function () {}; var swfurl = 'http://www.abc.net.au/news/swf/mp3player.swf'; var so = new SWFObject(swfurl, inpageplayer+'Object', width, height, '8', '#FFFFFF', true); so.addParam('allowFullScreen', 'true'); so.addVariable('mediaURL', url); so.addVariable('autoPlay', autoplay); so.write(inpageplayer); if (transcript) { if (!transcript.match(/news(_dev)?\/(audio|video)\//)) { var p = document.createElement('P'); p.innerHTML = 'View Transcript'; div.insertBefore(p, null); } } } function showPhotos (mediaUrl) { if (!mediaUrl) return true; if (mediaUrl.indexOf('.xml') != -1 || mediaUrl.indexOf('.rss') != -1) { // assume mediaUrl is a Media RSS file var ajaxobj = new XMLHttpRequest(); ajaxobj.onreadystatechange = function() {showPhotos_ajax(ajaxobj);}; ajaxobj.open('GET', mediaUrl, true); ajaxobj.send(''); } else { // can't do anything with mediaUrl return true; } return false; } function showPhotos_ajax (ajaxobj) { if (ajaxobj.readyState == 4) { // only if "loaded" if (ajaxobj.status == 200 || ajaxobj.status == 304) { // only if "OK" slideshow = new Array(); slideshowIndex = 0; // Load existing image into slideshow var img; if (img = document.getElementById('storyPhotosImg')) { slideshow[slideshow.length] = new StoryPhoto(img.src, img.width, img.height, (document.getElementById('storyPhotosCaption') ? document.getElementById('storyPhotosCaption').innerHTML : img.alt)); } delete img; // Load rest of items into slideshow var mediarss = ajaxobj.responseXML; // this is a document node var items = mediarss.getElementsByTagName('item'); for (var i=0; i parseInt(content[tallest].getAttribute('height'), 10)) tallest = m; versions[versions.length] = new StoryPhotoVersion(content[m].getAttribute('url'), parseInt(content[m].getAttribute('width'), 10), parseInt(content[m].getAttribute('height'), 10)); } for (var k=0; k 0 ? ' ('+source[0].firstChild.nodeValue+')' : ''), versions); addToSlideshow = false; } } } } slideshowInit(); } } } function slideshowInit () { if (typeof slideshow == 'undefined') return; if (slideshow.length < 1) return; if (typeof slideshowIndex == 'undefined') slideshowIndex = 0; if (slideshow.length > 1) { var sp; if (sp = document.getElementById('storyPhotos')) { var p = document.createElement('P'); p.id = 'storyPhotosNav'; p.innerHTML = ' '; sp.insertBefore(p, sp.firstChild); } } slideshowUpdate(); } function slideshowNext () { if (typeof slideshow == 'undefined') return; if (slideshow.length <= 1) return; if (typeof slideshowIndex == 'undefined') slideshowIndex = 0; if (slideshowIndex < slideshow.length-1) slideshowIndex++; else slideshowIndex = 0; if (slideshowIndex < slideshow.length-2) { var preload = new Image(); preload.src = slideshow[slideshowIndex+1].src; } slideshowUpdate(); } function slideshowPrev () { if (typeof slideshow == 'undefined') return; if (slideshow.length <= 1) return; if (typeof slideshowIndex == 'undefined') slideshowIndex = 0; if (slideshowIndex > 0) slideshowIndex--; else slideshowIndex = slideshow.length-1; slideshowUpdate(); } function slideshowUpdate () { if (typeof slideshow == 'undefined') return; if (slideshow.length < 1) return; if (typeof slideshowIndex == 'undefined') slideshowIndex = 0; var img, caption, link, navtext; if (img = document.getElementById('storyPhotosImg')) { if (img.src != slideshow[slideshowIndex].src) { currentFade = new Date().getTime(); opacitySet(img, 0, currentFade); img.style.visibility = 'hidden'; doFade = function () { img.src = slideshow[slideshowIndex].src; img.width = slideshow[slideshowIndex].width; img.height = slideshow[slideshowIndex].height; img.title = slideshow[slideshowIndex].caption; img.alt = img.title; img.onload = function () { img.style.visibility = 'visible'; setTimeout("opacityFade('storyPhotosImg', 0, 100, 150, "+currentFade+")", 100); }; } setTimeout("doFade()", 100); } } if (caption = document.getElementById('storyPhotosCaption')) { caption.innerHTML = slideshow[slideshowIndex].caption; } if (link = document.getElementById('storyPhotosLink')) { link.href = slideshow[slideshowIndex].versions[slideshow[slideshowIndex].biggest].src; link.onclick = function () { var img = slideshow[slideshowIndex].versions[slideshow[slideshowIndex].best]; imgWindow(img.src, null, img.width, img.height, slideshow[slideshowIndex].caption); return false; }; } if (navtext = document.getElementById('storyPhotosNavText')) { navtext.innerHTML = 'Slideshow: Photo '+(slideshowIndex+1)+' of '+slideshow.length; } } // StoryPhoto object function StoryPhoto (src, width, height, caption, versions) { this.src = src; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.caption = caption; if (versions) { this.versions = versions; // array of StoryPhotoVersion objects this.biggest = 0; // index of biggest version, compared by width*height this.best = 0; // index of version most suitable for this screen resolution for (var i=0; i'); w.document.writeln('' + title + ''); w.document.writeln(''); w.document.writeln('
'); w.document.writeln('
'); w.document.writeln('


'); w.document.writeln('

Close Image

'); w.document.writeln(''); w.document.close(); if (window.focus) w.focus(); return false; } function resize16x9 (element) { if (typeof element == 'undefined') return; if (typeof element == 'string') { if (element = document.getElementById(element)); else return; } width = element.clientWidth; height = Math.round((width/16)*9); element.style.height = height+'px'; } /************* SLIDESHOWPRO PHOTO GALLERY *************/ function showGallery (mediaUrl, insertafter, openFirstAlbum) { if (typeof insertafter == 'undefined') return true; if (typeof insertafter == 'string') insertafter = document.getElementById(insertafter); if (typeof openFirstAlbum == 'undefined') var openFirstAlbum = false; var div = document.createElement('DIV'); div.id = inpageplayer; div.className = 'galleryplayer'; insertafter.parentNode.insertBefore(div, insertafter.nextSibling); mediaUrl += encodeURIComponent((mediaUrl.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' : '&') + Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/(1000*60*2))); // ensures fresh request every 2 minutes var so = new SWFObject('/news/swf/slideshow.swf', 'slideshowpro', '100%', 460, '8', '#000000', true); so.addParam('allowFullScreen', 'true'); if (typeof mediaUrl != 'undefined') so.addVariable('xmlFilePath', mediaUrl); if (openFirstAlbum) so.addVariable('startMode', 'album'); so.write(inpageplayer); } /************* MAPPING ***************/ function showMap (insertafter, width, latitude, longitude, caption) { if (!insertafter) return true; if (!width) var width = '100%'; if (!latitude) return true; if (!longitude) return true; if (!caption) var caption = ''; if (insertafter.nextSibling != null && classExists(insertafter.nextSibling, 'map')) { // collapse video player if already open if (insertafter != null) classRemove(insertafter, 'active'); insertafter.nextSibling.parentNode.removeChild(insertafter.nextSibling); } else { classAdd(insertafter, 'active'); var div = document.createElement('DIV'); div.className = 'map'; div.style.width = width; div.style.height = '1px'; insertafter.parentNode.insertBefore(div, insertafter.nextSibling); resize16x9(div); div.innerHTML = (''); } if (insertafter.blur) insertafter.blur(); // removes dotted outline from link in Mozilla browsers return false; } /************* COOKIES ***************/ function setCookie(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) { document.cookie= name + "=" + escape(value) + ((expires) ? "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() : "") + ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") + ((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") + ((secure) ? "; secure" : ""); } function getCookie(name) { var dc = document.cookie; var prefix = name + "="; var begin = dc.indexOf("; " + prefix); if (begin == -1) { begin = dc.indexOf(prefix); if (begin != 0) return null; } else { begin += 2; } var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin); if (end == -1) { end = dc.length; } return unescape(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end)); } function deleteCookie(name, path, domain) { if (getCookie(name)) document.cookie = name + "=" + ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") + ((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") + "; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT"; } /************* OPACITY ***************/ // (adapted from: http://www.brainerror.net/scripts_js_blendtrans.php) // Fade from one opacity setting to another function opacityFade (object, opacStart, opacEnd, millisec, thisFade) { if (!thisFade) var thisFade = new Date().getTime(); currentFade = thisFade; //speed for each frame var skip = 10; var speed = Math.round((millisec / 100) * skip); var timer = 0; //determine the direction for the blending, if start and end are the same nothing happens if (opacStart > opacEnd) { for (var i=opacStart; i>=opacEnd; i-=skip) { setTimeout("opacitySet('" + object + "', " + i + ", "+thisFade+")",(timer * speed)); timer++; } } else if (opacStart < opacEnd) { for (var i=opacStart; i<=opacEnd; i+=skip) { setTimeout("opacitySet('" + object + "', " + i + ", "+thisFade+")",(timer * speed)); timer++; } } } // Change the opacity for different browsers function opacitySet (object, opacity, thisFade) { if (thisFade && typeof currentFade != 'undefined') { if (thisFade != currentFade) { return; } } if (typeof object == 'string') object = document.getElementById(object); object = object.style; object.opacity = (opacity / 100); object.MozOpacity = (opacity / 100); object.KhtmlOpacity = (opacity / 100); object.filter = (opacity < 100 ? "alpha(opacity=" + opacity + ")" : "none"); } /************* ENABLE WATCHLIST AND CLIPPINGS ***************/ if (news) addLoadEvent(enableMyStuff); function enableMyStuff () { var x; // items will be inserted after this element if (document.body.id == 'newshome') x = document.getElementById('tools').lastChild; else x = document.getElementById('search'); if (x) { // My Stories if (!document.getElementById('clippings')) { var cDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); cDiv.className = 'section'; cDiv.innerHTML = 'Help

My Stories

'; x.parentNode.insertBefore(cDiv, x.nextSibling); } // My Tags if (!document.getElementById('watchlist')) { var wDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); wDiv.className = 'section'; wDiv.innerHTML = 'Help

My Tags

'; x.parentNode.insertBefore(wDiv, x.nextSibling); } } } /************* WATCHLIST FUNCTIONALITY ***************/ if (news) addLoadEvent(populateWatchlist); // Cookie format: tag1;tag2;tag3 etc. var watchlistCookie = 'newsMyTags'; function watchlistAdd (title) { lbHide_do(); if (watchlistExists(title)) return false; // If we have reached this point, we need to set the cookie var exp = new Date().getTime(); exp += 1000*60*60*24*31; // expire 1 month from now exp = new Date(exp); var cookieData = getCookie(watchlistCookie); setCookie(watchlistCookie, (cookieData==null || cookieData.trim()=='' ? '' : cookieData+';')+title, exp, '/', '.abc.net.au'); if (!watchlistExists(title)) { var cookieData = getCookie(watchlistCookie); if (cookieData == null || cookieData == '') alert('Sorry, this tag could not be added.\n\nPlease ensure that cookies are enabled in your web browser.'); else alert('Sorry, this tag could not be added.\n\nYou may have too many items in My Tags.'); } else populateWatchlist(title); return false; } function watchlistRemove (title) { lbHide_do(); var cookieData = getCookie(watchlistCookie); if (cookieData == null) { return false; } var removed = false; var watchlist = cookieData.split(';'); for (var i=0; i'+watchlist[i].replace(/-/g, '-')+''; } if (html!='') html = '
'; } if (html=='' || cookieData==defaultWatchlist) html += '

Add Tag Page links here to follow news categories important to you.

'; html += '

View all tags | Tag cloud

'; w.innerHTML = html; tagPageMyTags(); } processLinks(); } function tagPageMyTags () { if (document.URL.match(/\/tag\/[^\.]+\//)) { // if currently on a tag page tagname = document.URL; tagname = tagname.replace(/^.*\/tag\//, ''); tagname = tagname.replace(/\/.*$/, ''); var wla; var tl; if (wla = document.getElementById('watchlistAdd')) { if (watchlistExists(tagname)) { wla.onclick = function () { return watchlistRemove(tagname) }; wla.innerHTML = 'Remove from My Tags'; } else { wla.onclick = function () { return watchlistAdd(tagname) }; wla.innerHTML = 'Add to My Tags'; } } if (tl = document.getElementById('tl')) { var tp; if (tp = document.getElementById('tp')) tp.innerHTML = ''; else { tp = document.createElement('P'); tl.parentNode.insertBefore(tp, tl); } if (watchlistExists(tagname)) tp.innerHTML = 'Remove \''+tagname.replace(/-/g, '-')+'\' from My Tags'; else tp.innerHTML = 'Add \''+tagname.replace(/-/g, '-')+'\' to My Tags'; } } } /************* CLIPPINGS FUNCTIONALITY ***************/ if (news) addLoadEvent(populateClippings); // Cookie format: url1~title1;url2~title2;url3~title3 etc. var clippingsCookie = 'newsMyStories'; function clippingAdd (url, title) { lbHide_do(); url = url.replace(/^[a-z]+:\/\/[^\/]+/, ''); // discard the domain name, we only need the path to the web page title = title.replace(/(<[^>]+>|Related Story:)/ig, '').trim(); // discard HTML tags and "Related Story:" in title if (clippingExists(url)) return false; // If we have reached this point, we need to set the cookie var exp = new Date().getTime(); exp += 1000*60*60*12; // expire 12 hours from now exp = new Date(exp); var cookieData = getCookie(clippingsCookie); setCookie(clippingsCookie, (cookieData==null || cookieData.trim()=='' ? '' : cookieData+';')+url+'~'+title, exp, '/', '.abc.net.au'); if (!clippingExists(url)) { var cookieData = getCookie(clippingsCookie); if (cookieData == null || cookieData == '') alert('Sorry, this story could not be added.\n\nPlease ensure that cookies are enabled in your web browser.'); else alert('Sorry, this story could not be added.\n\nYou may have too many items in My Stories.'); } else populateClippings(url); storytools(); return false; } function clippingRemove (url) { lbHide_do(); var cookieData = getCookie(clippingsCookie); if (cookieData == null) { return false; } var removed = false; var clippings = cookieData.split(';'); for (var i=0; i'+x[1]+''; } c.innerHTML = '
'; } } processLinks(); } function lbHide () { lbTimeout = window.setTimeout('lbHide_do();', 1500); } function lbHide_do () { var lb; if (lb = document.getElementById('linkButton')) lb.parentNode.removeChild(lb); } function lbHide_abort () { if (window.lbTimeout) window.clearTimeout(lbTimeout); } function processLinks () { var links = document.getElementsByTagName('A'); var storyPageRegex = /(news|news_dev)\/(items|newsitems|stories|video|audio|photos)\/[0-9]{4}.*/; var tagPageRegex = /(news|news_dev)\/tag\/[-'A-Za-z0-9]+\/?$/; for (var i=0; i]+>)/ig, '').trim() != '' && !classExists(links[i], 'more')) myStoriesLink(links[i]); else if (tagPageRegex.test(links[i].href) && links[i].innerHTML.replace(/(<[^>]+>)/ig, '').trim() != '' && !classExists(links[i], 'more')) myTagsLink(links[i]); } } function myStoriesLink (link) { link.onmouseout = function (e) { if (typeof lbHide == 'function') lbHide(); }; link.onmouseover = function (e) { if (typeof lbHide_abort == 'function') lbHide_abort(); if (typeof lbHide_do == 'function') lbHide_do(); var side = 'right'; if (link.parentNode.nodeName.match(/^(li|h[1-6])$/i)) { var parentText = link.parentNode.innerHTML.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '').trim(); var linkText = link.innerHTML.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '').trim(); if (parentText.indexOf(linkText) == 0) side = 'left'; } if (link.parentNode.scrollWidth == link.scrollWidth) { side = 'left'; } var lb = document.createElement('A'); lb.id = 'linkButton'; lb.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); lb.onmouseover = function (f) { if (typeof lbHide_abort == 'function') lbHide_abort(); }; lb.onmouseout = function (f) { if (typeof lbHide == 'function') lbHide(); }; if (typeof clippingExists == 'function' && clippingExists(this.href)) { lb.className = 'lb_'+side+'_remove_blue'; lb.title = 'Remove from My Stories'; lb.alt = lb.title; lb.href = 'javascript:clippingRemove("'+this.href.replace(/"/g, '\"')+'");'; } else { lb.className = 'lb_'+side+'_add_blue'; lb.title = 'Add to My Stories'; lb.alt = lb.title; lb.href = 'javascript:clippingAdd("'+this.href.replace(/"/g, '\"')+'", "'+this.innerHTML.replace(/(<[^>]+>|Related Story:)/ig, '').trim().replace(/"/g, '\"')+'");'; } lb.onclick = function (f) { eval(this.href.replace(/^javascript:/, '')); return false; }; this.parentNode.insertBefore(lb, (side=='left' ? this : this.nextSibling)); } } function myTagsLink (link) { link.onmouseout = function (e) { if (typeof lbHide == 'function') lbHide(); }; link.onmouseover = function (e) { if (typeof lbHide_abort == 'function') lbHide_abort(); if (typeof lbHide_do == 'function') lbHide_do(); var side = 'right'; if (link.parentNode.nodeName.match(/^(li|h[1-6])$/i)) { var parentText = link.parentNode.innerHTML.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '').trim(); var linkText = link.innerHTML.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '').trim(); if (parentText.indexOf(linkText) == 0) side = 'left'; } if (link.parentNode.scrollWidth == link.scrollWidth) { side = 'left'; } var tagname = this.href; tagname = tagname.replace(/^.*\/tag\//, ''); tagname = tagname.replace(/\/.*$/, ''); var lb = document.createElement('A'); lb.id = 'linkButton'; lb.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); lb.onmouseover = function (f) { if (typeof lbHide_abort == 'function') lbHide_abort(); }; lb.onmouseout = function (f) { if (typeof lbHide == 'function') lbHide(); }; if (typeof watchlistExists == 'function' && watchlistExists(tagname)) { lb.className = 'lb_'+side+'_remove_green'; lb.title = "Remove '"+tagname+"' from My Tags"; lb.alt = lb.title; lb.href = 'javascript:watchlistRemove("'+tagname.replace(/"/g, '\"')+'");'; } else { lb.className = 'lb_'+side+'_add_green'; lb.title = "Add '"+tagname+"' to My Tags"; lb.alt = lb.title; lb.href = 'javascript:watchlistAdd("'+tagname.replace(/"/g, '\"')+'");'; } lb.onclick = function (f) { eval(this.href.replace(/^javascript:/, '')); return false; }; this.parentNode.insertBefore(lb, (side=='left' ? this : this.nextSibling)); } } function storytools () { var st; if (st = document.getElementById('storytools')) { var html = ''; html += 'Print Email'; if (document.URL.match(/(news|news_dev)\/(items|newsitems|stories|video|audio|photos)\/[0-9]{4}.*/)) { if (clippingExists(document.URL)) html += ' Remove from My Stories'; else html += ' Add to My Stories'; } var com; if (com = document.getElementById('comments')) { html += ' '+com.getElementsByTagName('H2')[0].innerHTML+''; } st.innerHTML = html; } } if (news) addLoadEvent(storytools); function printStory () { printStoryClose(); var sp, sc, o; sp = document.getElementById('storyPhotos'); sc = document.getElementById('comments'); o = new Array(); if (sp) { o[o.length] = ' '; } if (sc) { o[o.length] = ' '; } if (o.length > 0) { var html = '

Print Options


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