National Peace Workshops 2005 The deadline for posting in your pre-registration for the National Peace Workshops has now passed, please bring your registration form and payment with you to the venue. Registration fees: Pre-registration: $25 / $50. The pre-registration fee includes lunch, morning and afternoon tea where applicable, and entry to the DICK NZ Awards; but it does not include the film screening on Saturday night. Pre-registrations must be received by Monday, 17 October. Tickets for 'Breath of Peace / Tau Te Mauri' screening: $6 / $10 each. Day registration: Saturday $5 / $10, Sunday $15 / $30, Monday $10 / $20. Day registration includes lunch, morning and afternoon tea where applicable. Saturday registration does not include the film screening on Saturday night. Sunday registration does include entry to the DICK NZ Awards. Workshop/s only: $5 / $10 per workshop; lunch if not included in day or pre- registration: $5 / $10. DICK NZ Awards: entry by donation, free to National Peace Workshops registrants. The registration fee has been set as low as possible to ensure that no-one is prevented from attending because of the cost. If you are in a position to also include a donation to help with expenses, that would be greatly appreciated. Name : _____________________________________________ Address : ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Tel : ______________________ Email : I enclose payment for:
Total enclosed = $
To help us allocate suitable workshop spaces, please indicate which workshop you will be going to in each session - the programme is on-line here. * Saturday: Session 1 [ ] Conflict resolution techniques, mediation and associated skills; or [ ] Te Tiriti o Waitangi, peace and human rights. Please return this form, together with your cheque made payable to Peace Movement Aotearoa, to PMA, PO Box 9314, Wellington. The pre-registration deadline is Monday, 17 October. Thank you [*1] Any surplus funds from the 2005 National Peace Workshops will be held in trust by Peace Movement Aotearoa for the next Workshops.