Hikoi Takutaimoana II - the second foreshore and seabed hikoi Another march to protest seabed law
1 October 2004 A second hikoi has been called in Auckland to protest at the Government's foreshore and seabed legislation. The hikoi will be on October 16 and go from Aotea Square, down Queen St, along Tamaki Drive to Orakei Marae at Bastion Point. As the marchers pass Orakei Basin, they will be accompanied by a fleet of waka. The hikoi is aimed at keeping the foreshore and seabed issue alive, and to combat perceived injustices occurring with the consultation process. The select committee has heard approximately 350 of the 4000 people that requested to express their views. Three days of hearings in Auckland have also been cancelled. Hinewhare Harawira, daughter of veteran activist Titewhai Harawira says: "The processes used have been denied to Maori. What does that say for us? Is that justice?" Instead, she says the Government and Maori need to sit down and discuss the issues. "There is this notion of doing it between these hours and these hours and then going home. But that's not our way." Instead, she says the talks need to continue until the issue is resolved and all parties have reached an understanding.
Anna Barge, |