Foreshore and seabed information   |   Peace Movement Aotearoa

Making the message visible

Above and below are the banners which have been mysteriously appearing when Helen Clark or Margaret Wilson are out and about in public places, Michael Cullen will also be exposed to future appearances! They are part of a silent protest by Pakeha in Wellington to make the message visible - the banners are displayed silently because they say all we have to say on the government's raupatu plans for the foreshore and seabed.

It would be great if other folks around the country could join this initiative so the message is visible to those Ministers wherever they go ... all you need is two or three of your friends, family or colleagues, and a couple of placards or banners - or a couple of pieces of paper enlarged to A3 size on a copier. No need to be fancy, the important thing is to make the message visible! And if you do get out there, we'd be pleased to hear about it and add your photos to this page - just send us an email or post a copy of your photos with a brief report to PMA, PO Box 9314, Wellington.

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Foreshore and seabed information   |   Peace Movement Aotearoa