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Resolutions from the
4th National Foreshore and Seabed Hui

13 March 2004

The Resolutions from the 4th National Hui held at Waipapa Marae, University of Auckland, are that the hui:

1. Strongly endorses the report of the Waitangi Tribunal on the Government's foreshore and seabed proposals

2. Endorses that Kahungunu strategy to resist the Government's foreshore and seabed proposals, and supports other strategies of other iwi, hapu and whanau

3. Calls on all Maori MPs to vote against the current policy and legislation that would deprive Maori of their rights

4. Calls on the Government to follow the Tribunal's recommendation to undertake a longer conversation on the foreshore and seabed

5. Demands that the Government put the foreshore and seabed on hold until a proper debate on constitutional matters has been completed

6. Encourages iwi, hapu and whanau to

  • inform their people about foreshore and seabed issues

  • unite under this common kaupapa

  • seek international scrutiny of the Government's actions

7. Re-affirms themes from previous National Hui

  • Iwi, hapu, whanau have not relinquished ownership of foreshore and seabed;

  • support for iwi, hapu, whanau actions to assert their ownership in courts or otherwise

  • rejection of all government proposals to date

  • condemnation of Government process

  • instruction that these matters be taken to local, national and international fora

  • Maori MPs should be held accountable for their actions

  • support for Te Ope Mana a Tai

8. Recommends that iwi, hapu and whanau consider policies for educating and influencing Pakeha New Zealand

9. Supports a National Hikoi

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